Blog discription

What will you find here? Ramblings from an aging gamer-miniature painter. When I first started out in this hobby computers were in their infancy and finding other gamers could only be done by going to conventions or as in my case bumping into somebody who happened to see me reading "Panzer Leader" on the school bus. Look how far we have come! The internet has allowed our small community to be able to connect on a level I never dreamed of when I was but a small lad. What I do hope you will find here is something interesting from one wargamer/miniature painter to another. I paint miniatures somewhat decently, so I will be posting some pictures of my work, and perhaps a review or two of games and/or miniatures. Most of all this is just about having fun and anything I post here is meant to be for that reason.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Aristeia! The Game: Táowù Mastermind!

 Here is the second addition to my four man team for "Aristeia! The Game". I am using Táowù alternate model called Táowù Mastermind. I love the alternate model as it gives me the feel of the old Chinese Kung Fu movies I watched when I was a kid..... a very long time ago. 

He was fun to paint, but white, man oh man, white. I am still experimenting and learning how to do white and not just make it look like I simply spray painted white on it. I need more practice but I am happy with how it came out. Here is a little background on my master of quantum waves.

"He is the knower of all plans, the surfer of the quantum waves and the waters of chance.

Táowù has meticulously plotted out his life with the utmost precision. He has never made a misstep nor failed to take advantage of the missteps of others.

His grasp of the intricacies of social behavior is such that he can unleash Armageddon by uttering a single word.

Táowù is unacquainted with failure because he knows that in show business mistakes are paid for with the currency of ridicule and mockery. All who have accused him of mistakes eventually have no other choice but to admit it was in fact they who were mistaken, exposing themselves to public scorn.

Always keep in mind that Táowù is always exactly where he intends to be and, if he leaves, it’s because he wants to."

[below is original look]

[the new look and my work below]

As always thanks for looking!



  1. I like your color scheme. It gives him a spiritual nature look. Awesome!!

    1. Thanks MP, two more to go and off to finish my drowned earth team

  2. Is that a chicken under his arm? Is there a dreaded "Chicken Attack" coming?

  3. Chicken Attack!!!

    1. Ha! That was hilarious, one of those things that is so stupid you can’t help but laugh out loud… now where can I get me one of those🧐
