Took a breather from my game designing, which is slowly moving toward being wrapped up in another week or two, to work on my Mortal Gods miniatures.
I was able to get outside in the 21 degree F weather and successfully sprayed primer on my finished Victrix builds. These are a pain in the ass. Nice models, but who the hell makes you have to glue the horse hair crests to the helmets I ask you? Just insane. I should probably just stick to buying metal models so I have minimal prep and more painting going on. But they are pretty, Victrix that is.
Here are the models on my painting dowels, left 8 are plastic Victrix, right 3 metal footsore.
Next up is my Greek Hero/Leader for the group I am painting. A metal Footsore figure and I was unsatisfied with the two weapon choices for his right arm. The way the cloak was displayed had me visualizing an entirely different way to be holding a weapon. So I glued a Victrix plastic spear to the stub of his wrist and when that dried I made up some green stuff and made a hand. I think it came out pretty good.
The last picture shows my last 6 miniatures I need to assemble, that being some Victrix Peltasts. I've clipped all the parts I need from the sprue and only need to clean them up, test fit, and glue them together. Then off to the dowels and a coating of prime.
That's a total of 18 figures (one of which you don't see in photos) for a total of 346 points. I think most Mortal God games are 300 to 350.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by and having a read and a quick glance at my project.