Blog discription

What will you find here? Ramblings from an aging gamer-miniature painter. When I first started out in this hobby computers were in their infancy and finding other gamers could only be done by going to conventions or as in my case bumping into somebody who happened to see me reading "Panzer Leader" on the school bus. Look how far we have come! The internet has allowed our small community to be able to connect on a level I never dreamed of when I was but a small lad. What I do hope you will find here is something interesting from one wargamer/miniature painter to another. I paint miniatures somewhat decently, so I will be posting some pictures of my work, and perhaps a review or two of games and/or miniatures. Most of all this is just about having fun and anything I post here is meant to be for that reason.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Carthaginian Libyan Javelinmen

 Well because of the simple paint job I was able to knock out 12 Libyan Javelinmen for my Carthaginian army for Saga in a couple of days. Per the Victrix site that sells these they supposedly wore red tunics, and were heavily tattooed. I didn't go nuts with tattoo stuff, just enough to get by on the game table.

As always thanks for looking.



  1. Simple but effective, they look great

  2. Dude... I might have used 4 or 5 different shades of that red. But, they will indeed work!

    1. That's as excellent idea, admittedly I was in assembly line mode and just wanted to knock them out.

