God do I hate doing faces. I am not happy with how the face came out on this one, but being a 3D print I wasn't about to attempt stripping it and starting over again. Holding it at arms length it looks good and gives me the impression I want to present on the gaming table. Now I only have to paint up six Death Troopers for him.
What a great opening scene in the movie Rouge One, right off the bat I liked this guy. His ambitions are high but unfortunately for him he has the Tom Brady of the Universe to compete against (Darth Vader).
I love the the sculpt of this figure. Too bad I am not a higher level painter to bring out what's in my head to my hand, as this figure deserves it.
Above the scene that set the tone for the entire movie for me.
Below my best at the moment. To infinity and beyond for my next attempt at doing faces.