Blog discription

What will you find here? Ramblings from an aging gamer-miniature painter. When I first started out in this hobby computers were in their infancy and finding other gamers could only be done by going to conventions or as in my case bumping into somebody who happened to see me reading "Panzer Leader" on the school bus. Look how far we have come! The internet has allowed our small community to be able to connect on a level I never dreamed of when I was but a small lad. What I do hope you will find here is something interesting from one wargamer/miniature painter to another. I paint miniatures somewhat decently, so I will be posting some pictures of my work, and perhaps a review or two of games and/or miniatures. Most of all this is just about having fun and anything I post here is meant to be for that reason.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Showcase: Tau Ethereal

Nothing imaginative here with my color choices. Simply matched the colors as best I could from the blister packaging. I liked it, so I painted it. It's a nice contrast to my color scheme of white suit wearing robotech anime Tau. So I went with it. He is going to be one of my HQ choices and is pretty cheap point wise to bring to the table. That means more points spent on Crisis Suits!

[click on pictures to see bigger view]

As always thanks for looking.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Showcase: Tau XV8 Crisis Battlesuits

Howdy boys and girls,

As you know, if you follow my blog, I've been going gaga over Warhammer 40K of late. A while back I was really into it, oh around 3rd edition, and like many got sick and tired of the constant changes mostly concerning the Codex's (army lists). Because of the way Games Workshop would release stuff back then, they bring out a new Codex that basically broke the game and you had to wait for your Codex to catch up or new edition of rule book. So I dropped out and sold all my armies (I could kick myself now) and continued on my merry way playing other cool games or miniatures. 10 years later I'm back. My group of friends (one of which smartly kept his armies so has much less to paint to catch up) has committed hardcore into getting back into it and I must say we've been having a blast relearning to play and all the different changes that have happened over the years. This past Sunday we played a 500 point game of Tyranids against my Tau and it was the first game that we played that went the full seven turns and a close one it was. Which brings me to the point of this article, showing off the lastest addition to my Tau collection, the old style (not the new remodeled release) Tau XV8 Crisis battlesuits. Because of all the multiple different weapon load outs these boys can have I decided to install magnets on all the weapons so I could custom pick which weapons I wanted to fight with against whatever type army I might face. I hope you enjoy the look.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Showcase: Necron Triarch Praetorians

Well I'm half way there. With all the jumping from project to project I'm doing, that's pretty good that I finished 5 of the 10 I promised to my buddy Al. I am finding out that I could never do this on a commission basis, way to much pressure. I like doing what I want when I want. 

So here are the little dudes that "Al", (Mr. Terminator) the man who wants so badly to be a machine himself, wanted painted up....



Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Showcase: Chaos Helbrute

The other day I picked up Games Workshops box set called "Dark Vengeance" which comes with the Space Marine chapter Dark Angels and the Chaos space marine chapter called "Crimson Slaughter", I split it with a pal of mine, he took the Dark Angels, and I took the Crimson slaughter dudes. It looked like they might be fun to add to my growing paint pile and I couldn't resist painting up the Helbrute right away. I present pictures of the completed Helbrute below for your viewing pleasure. I only painted it to a table top standard as I am trying to knock'em out quickly so I can start playing right away. Hope you enjoy it anyways.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Dux Britanniarum: Elite's (or Hearthguard for Saga) for my Romano-Brits

As I mentioned in an early post, here are the pictures for my Elite unit I promised. I realized, only just now, that I am one figure shy. I am getting old. But I would have to paint up two more for Saga to have two points worth of Hearthguard so what's one more figure. So I present my almost complete Elite unit.

As always thanks for looking.


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dux Britanniarum: Leaders for my Romano-Brits

I posted earlier some pics of the figures I chose for Arthur and his Champion for Dux Britanniarum, (or hopefully Saga if rumors are true that Gripping Beast is working on them), and so I have added my leaders I've chosen for your viewing pleasure today.

Shields are transfers from Little Big Men, with the second leader's shield below slightly modified as I had wrong sizes so had to improvise with some paint matching to make it look right.

...and the second leader

As always thanks for looking. Later I'll post up my Elite unit for my Romano-Brits.


Monday, January 4, 2016

My Dux Britanniarum collection begins!

I've had Dux Britanniarum from Too Fat Lardies (you just have to love that name) for just over a year now, and have been eyeing it to play for quite a while now. Small armies (skirmish style or like Saga a warband's worth of troops), simply die 6 battle resolution, with some role playing aspects, and of course the real reason I was attracted to it, a Campaign system. This gives your battles, or at least mine, more meaning as you'll tend to play them a little less to the death and more like an army lives today, lives to fight another day. 

My problem in not playing is I don't have really anyone around that is motivated enough to paint opposing forces. You would think living in a major metropolitan area this would be no problem. Apparently I need to move to the United Kingdom, of course it could be just perception on my part, but it seems they have there collective acts together when it comes to clubs and hobbies etc. 

But I digress, what this post is really all about is my first figures completed. Yeah! I actually have begun painting them and have resolved to paint up not one army but two! Dammit if I can't get help in painting stuff up, I'll just paint them up myself and solo game if I have too! The Arthur period has been one of my favorites for awhile now (don't think the romanticized gobble-ly goop medieval bla bla bla version) and I can't wait to finish up my Romano-Brits, which by the way is what I started on. I've heard rumor that Gripping Beast is working on a Saga supplement for this period as well, so I based my Commander (Arthur of course, and on foot) as a Warlord. Can't see how it will hurt in the Dux system so I went for it. Here is some pictures of Arthur, and some of his Champion. 

I didn't get to fancy and basically painted these close to the photos that Gripping Beast has on their website. Arthur's shield is a transfer from Little Big Men.

My champion was supposed to have a Little Big Men shield transfer but I completely botched it up and had to do this one by hand, which is copied from the one I destroyed. I don't think it turned out to badly. I am not the greatest at painting fiddly designs, but happy with the outcome.

I will be posting my other commanders, and the elite unit I completed later.
