Blog discription

What will you find here? Ramblings from an aging gamer-miniature painter. When I first started out in this hobby computers were in their infancy and finding other gamers could only be done by going to conventions or as in my case bumping into somebody who happened to see me reading "Panzer Leader" on the school bus. Look how far we have come! The internet has allowed our small community to be able to connect on a level I never dreamed of when I was but a small lad. What I do hope you will find here is something interesting from one wargamer/miniature painter to another. I paint miniatures somewhat decently, so I will be posting some pictures of my work, and perhaps a review or two of games and/or miniatures. Most of all this is just about having fun and anything I post here is meant to be for that reason.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

World War One late war Germans

 So I did some WWI Russians for a friend, and just finished some WWI French for him as well. He is getting ready to run "Scouts Out" a fast play skirmish game for WWI at our local club convention and I promised to give him a hand. So I was looking over those rules (which caused me to look at other rule systems as well) and Gosh Darn it if the WWI bug didn't grab me and pin me to mat! It was like one, two, three..... and I bought some metal Great War Germans. I know they've been around for a while, but man they are awesome. Nicely detailed, but not overwhelming for the paint brush, and in some great poses to boot. Can't beat that! 

So down the rabbit hole I went, and whipped out 12 models for myself. My imagination has run wild with what I can do with this and I already want to add some more Germans and I have decided to paint up British as well, and use them for Canadians since I have Ancestral roots.

Sadly though I have to pick up the paint brush and finish some Byzantines for a friend. Well not sad, sad since it helps me from losing my mind by alternating painting periods and that keeps it fresh for me.

So here are a few snaps. 

As always thanks for looking.


Sunday, February 23, 2025

SF3D/Maschinen Krieger/Robot Battle V: Ammo Knights

Inspiration and information for my project was taken from Lincoln Wright book MK.44.

To quote from his book "The 3rd Company MK44 consists of elite pilots organized into "Playing Card" squadrons."

2nd Armored Regiment 3rd MK Company "Card Soldiers" are shown here. The AMMOKNIGHTS shown here are heavy armored fighting suits equipped with handgrip smart guns that automatically tracks the target. The suits were designed by human kind to fight an A.I. opponent. 

I tried to replicate his paint scheme on page 60 for his AXEKNIGHT using his idea that these ground pounders were operating in a toxic environment. Like acid rain and such. Now this wasn't an easy project because of scale. Trying to replicate this work in 15mm was not easy for me, and I wasn't totally satisfied with my end results, It just felt messy. First I am not a Model painter, I am a miniature painter. My technique being more three layer approach, between the lines, with maybe a little dusty dry brushing. 

When working in smaller scale you need to make things brighter to make them pop and catch the audiences eye. But I got to the point in the project, do I dare try adding a little bit more in and risk the destruction of how far I've come. Sometimes you got to know when to stop throwing good money after bad. My last mistake I made, and I could kick myself over it, was I used a number 1 decal. In the card deck their is no number 1... ooops. My military brain was thinking traditional numbering. 

Anyways that's what I got. I hope you like the 15mm version of what Lincoln came up with for a paint scheme. 

As always thanks for looking.


Thursday, February 20, 2025

World War One: The French 1916 - 1918 (The last 13)

 I have finished the last 12 French plus 1 for Anton. Again the bases he wanted to do, so I left them plain. I liked painting these a lot more than the Russians. Anton is using Scouts Out rules to play, and I had a look at them and decided that I would paint a few Germans and British for myself. Will see how it goes. Now I am off to paint Byzantines for another friend before I start working on an Age of Chivalry army for him. At least it's a period I enjoy so that will make it a bit easier to sit down and paint.

As always thanks for looking.


Monday, February 10, 2025

World War One: The French 1916 - 1918

 I am closing in on finishing a project for Anton. 12 French finished out of 25 (I threw in a flamethrower as a bonus, because hey everyone needs a flamethrower). These are plastic Wargames Atlantic figures and while I will always prefer metal, these aren't bad. I like them better than the Russians I did (hint Anton, never ask me to paint Russians again... British, French, German okay, but never Russians). 

So here are the first 12. Enjoy.

As always thanks for looking.


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Age of Alexander: Macedonian "Peltasts"

 FINALLY! I have finished the last of the Macedonians for a friends army. If said friend wants to add to this army he will have to contract it out to a far away place across the ocean.

Well that said here they are in all their splendid glory.

As always thanks for looking.
