Blog discription

What will you find here? Ramblings from an aging gamer-miniature painter. When I first started out in this hobby computers were in their infancy and finding other gamers could only be done by going to conventions or as in my case bumping into somebody who happened to see me reading "Panzer Leader" on the school bus. Look how far we have come! The internet has allowed our small community to be able to connect on a level I never dreamed of when I was but a small lad. What I do hope you will find here is something interesting from one wargamer/miniature painter to another. I paint miniatures somewhat decently, so I will be posting some pictures of my work, and perhaps a review or two of games and/or miniatures. Most of all this is just about having fun and anything I post here is meant to be for that reason.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Carthaginian Libyan Javelinmen

 Well because of the simple paint job I was able to knock out 12 Libyan Javelinmen for my Carthaginian army for Saga in a couple of days. Per the Victrix site that sells these they supposedly wore red tunics, and were heavily tattooed. I didn't go nuts with tattoo stuff, just enough to get by on the game table.

As always thanks for looking.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Carthaginian General and Gallic Cavalry

 So this past week and a half I have been diligently working on my Carthaginian General and one point of warriors being Gallic Cavalry. 

I started out painting some Macedonian Cavalry for a friend and some Scifi infantry for another. The idea was to place paint on each grouping (including mine) to keep it fresh and to whittle away the pile. It started off okay until the cool models from Victrix, and the Little Bigmen shield transfers stole my heart.

Well that was that and I was off to the races. This project has been and on and off subject for two years and I now find myself within one point of fielding an army. Of course there are some odds and ends I would like to paint to flush it out and give myself some versatility, but I will maintain my focus on the next 12 levy I need. I’m going to try to put these and the other two groupings on the same plate again to see if I can get a little more done for my friends.

Here are a couple of pics.

As always thanks for looking.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Carthaginian War elephants, the Tiger Tanks of Antiquity

Wow! I finished my first 16 models for the Carthaginian Army for Age of Hannibal back in January 2021! Unbelievable! 

Since then I finished one War Elephant in early 2023, and just today finished a second War Elephant for the Army. 

Over the past few days I've assembled 12 light infantry, 8 warrior cavalry, and a Warlord for the army. I've completed placing media on the bases and have them all primed and ready to paint. That will give me the six points I need to play a game, but my goal is to paint two more units of 8 cavalry each, and two more units of 8 warrior infantry each. I've been wanting to finish these forever but other projects always seem to get in the way. Like painting up a Macedonian Army, Franks, and Byzantines for one friend, 24 WWI Russians for another, and around 10 or 12 models science fiction models along with around 56 WWII Bolt Action Soviets for yet another. Plus two Saga Armies for myself, but hey who's counting.

Here are a few shots of the finished one, along with a shot of the two completed ones together.

As always thanks for looking.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

 No this is not about Sergio Leone Western masterpiece. This is about my psycho, just over one year old, Shitzu. 

I had just painted up three NASA astronauts, three Russian astronauts, and was in my hobby room laser focused on building a lunar vehicle when I heard my little lad chomping away in corner. I was so focused I thought he was chewing one of his toys. Then he disappeared and soon after my Wife walked into my hobby room and handed me what you see in this picture. Somehow my foam tray of painted astronauts ended up on the floor upside down in the corner. Fortunetatly the way I pack them only one fell out. Of course he found it and decided it was an excellent chew toy. The head, arms, moon rock, and most of upper torso are gone. 

After having lost three other non painted models to the BAD, I thought I had learned my lesson and had model security under control. NOPE!

Though I swore a few times, no animals were hurt while going through this episode.

But mannnnn, it’s sooooo hard loving this cute faced dog sometimes.

Today I am assembling a replacement and hope to have it painted by weekend😞

As always thanks for looking.



Saturday, September 21, 2024

Blacksite Studios: Lunar

 Well I knocked out three more Astronauts for the Soviets, and three for NASA. This is for a game called Lunar by Blacksite Studios, and is based on the idea that the Russians beat the US to the Moon. If you watch Apple TV's "For all Man Kind" you'll get the gist. Oh and if you haven't watched it, why not? It's an awesome show.

I also had this Soviet Lunar Lander since April of 2023 and decided to put it together and paint it up. Had to really clean it up. There were parts broken, and I had to re-drill out holes for components to fit. But I've had it for almost two years now so I can't do much about it now, plus it's out of print and only available as an STL. Kevin don't do STL's. The shield on top that protects the cameras had a good size chunk broken off, and it was missing. Probably not broken off, just a misprint. I fixed that with some plastic strut. Not perfect, but it suits my gaming needs. I've painted the base coat metal and could leave it like that, but I will give it a heavy black wash, followed up with some highlighting of main color, and then on to picking out some other components and placing some color on those. It's majority metal color. So it shouldn't take me to long to complete. I ordered one of those eight inch across Christmas project wooden disc's to place it on as the model is rather fragile. 

Here are a few snaps.

As always thanks for looking.



Saturday, September 14, 2024

BLKOUT UN Raid Force Alpha

 A quote from the write up....


The pinnacle of UN forces on Abol, UN Raid Force Alpha are genetically augmented to be at apex warriors. These two women fireteams reap a heavy toll on the battlefield, supported by the cold logic of their 'Golem' inorganics. If you see them on the battlefield, it's already too late.

BLKOUT is a new-ish Ultra Modern Skirmish combat game. It is played on a 2 X 2 but can be larger, and reminds me a little of Infinity, but way simpler. I was really excited about this concept, different planet, earth forces colonizing another planet only for it to end up not much different conflict wise. There are three fireteams available, with a new one just released, and they all have their own little story. I picked the UN as I was fascinated with the idea of an all female force as well as AI robots stomping any opponent coming up against them. Really got the juices flowing for my imagination. I've already have terrain available for this period from several different periods that will work, but my go to has to be what Anton hand crafted for me a while back for Afghanistan. 

My buddy Al (who is a non painter) is going to go in on this with me, which means I will be painting duplicates of the fireteams, but I'll paint them up to look different and it should be a gas. The game is supposed to only last an hour or less, so I am looking forward to setting something up soon. That is as soon as I finish his fireteam so I have an opponent.

Here are a few shots of my girls for now.

As always thanks for looking.


Friday, September 6, 2024

Russian WWI early war infantry

 I painted these up for Anton and at his request I did not do the bases. I am a firm believer in the mantra faces, bases, and banners. That's what makes the figure look good. So forgive the bases not being done, but he wanted to match stuff he's already done.

Russian uniforms during this period (color wise) were all over the place. Different manufactures, different dyes, and of course lots of fading on campaign. So I went with a photo that came from a book of people actually dressed up in the period uniform. This is my version of that.

Now I only have 46 to go... sigh...

As always thanks for looking. 

